多用途的英语俏皮话 (8)

英词吧 人气:2.1W


多用途的英语俏皮话 (8)

1.How's the world treating you?

2.Tommorrow the world.
【引申义】:此语起源于德国纳粹的口号"Today Germany belongs to us, tommorrow the whole world"(今天德国属于我们,明天全世界都将属于我们。)此语现在泛用于讥讽或自嘲野心过大或盲目乐观。

3.It's a small world!(这个大家一定知道的吧 ^^)

【例】: I learned the boss and me went to the same elementatry school twenty years ago. It's a small world! (我发现新来的老板是我20年前的小学同学。这世界真小!)

4.Stop the world, I want to get off!